Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Being a Blogger

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Being a Blogger:

1. Free books: Since I started writing the blog, I´ve had the chance to read a lot of free books

2. All the wonderful authors: because without their hard works all their stories would have remained unknown.

3Blogger: it has open me a new universe of possibilities and by blogging I have met wonderful authors and bloggers.

4. Netgalley: I have met my favourite books through this site and I really don´t know what I´d do without it.

5. Deep analysis: I enjoy books more than I used to because now I get to focus on more things in order to write a good review.

6. Goodreads: I just love everything about Goodreads.

7. Giveaways: They are just simply awesome don´t you think?

8. Followers: I love them all! I don´t know if I would have the strenght to keep blogging without them.

9. My book- boyfriends: well, they are not mine, but I love them all xD

10. My co-blogger Juliet: because she was the one that gave me the strenght to began this journey.

What do you love being a blogger??

10 cosas por las que me encanta ser una bloggera:

1. Libros gratis: desde que comencé con el blog he podido leer un montón de libros gratis.

2. Todos los autores maravillosos: porque sin su duro trabajo, todas sus historias se hubieran quedado sin conocer.

3. Blogger: ha abierto un nuevo universo de posibilidades y a través del blog he conocido a autores y bloggers maravillosos.

4. Netgalley: Just for being a blogger I get usually accepted for reviews

5. Análisis profundo: Disfruto más de los libros ahora que antes porque me centro en más cosas para poder hacer una buena reseña

6. Goodreads: me encanta todo de Goodreads.

7. Sorteos: son simplemente maravillosos, ¿no creéis?

8. Nuestros seguidores: ¡os quiero a todos! No se si hubiera tenido la fuerza para continuar con el blog sin vosotros.

9. Mis novios de los libros: no son míos, pero los quiero a todos xD

10. Mi co- blogger Juliet: me dio la fuerza necesaria para empezar esta aventura.


  1. Great TTT :) Especially #5 - I do focus more on what I read now to write a great review than just normally reading a book!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday list if you want to check it out!

    New follower on Twitter & bloglovin

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

    1. 5 is one of my favourite reasons for being a blogger. And thanks for the follow, I´m following you back now ;)

  2. Great picks :) Book boyfriends are incredible. The free books are amazing too, who doesn't want to be able to read books for free?! I can't believe I forgot Goodreads! My TTT.

    1. Thanks! I really love book boyfriends <3
      And Goodreads has become a must for me, I check it everyday!
      Thanks for your comment =D

  3. I love this topic and seeing everyone's reasons for being a reader and blogger.
    Awesome list <3

    Here's our TTT
    Doris @ OABR

  4. I love NetGalley too! It's fantastic, especially if you're just starting ARC reviewing. NetGalley is really generous in giving newbies big breaks, eh? I love 'em! Here's my TTT!!

    1. Yes, I am completely addicted to NetGalley!
      Thanks for your comment =D


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