Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Waiting On Wednesday (06)

Waiting On Wedenesday es un evento semanal, organizado por Breaking the Spine, dedicado a los próximos lanzamientos que estamos esperando leer.

El libro que estoy esperando leer es:

Título: (La Hermandad de la daga negra #11)
Autor: J.R.Ward
Fecha de publicación en EEUU: 26/03/2013
Editorial: NAL Hardcover
Sinopsis: Qhuinn, hijo de nadie, está acostumbrado a estar solo. Desheredado de su línea de sangre y rechazado por la aristocracia, por fin ha encontrado una identidad como uno de los luchadores más brutales en la guerra contra la Sociedad Lessening. Pero su vida no está completa. A pesar de que la perspectiva de tener una familia propia parece estar al alcance, está vacío por dentro, porque su corazón ha sido entregado a otro....
Blay, después de años de amor no correspondido, ha pasado de sus sentimientos por Qhuinn. Y ya era hora: El hombre ha encontrado a su pareja perfecta en una Elegida, y ellos tendrán a una pequeña -como Qhuinn siempre ha querido- Es difícil ver juntos a la nueva pareja, pero construir una vida que gira en torno a un sueño sólo consigue un corazón roto. Como él ha aprendido de primera mano.

El destino parece haber hecho que estos soldados vampiros tomaran diferentes direcciones... pero a medida que la batalla por el trono de la raza se intensifica, y con nuevos personajes en la escena de Caldwell creando un peligro mortal para la Hermandad, Qhuinn finalmente conocerá la verdadera definición de valor, y los dos corazones que están destinados a estar juntos... finalmente se convertirán en uno.

- Este libro lo llevo esperando desde hace 1 año, y llevo siguiendo esta serie de fantásticos y sexys vampiros desde los 14. La historia de amor entre Blay y Quinn *suspiro*, no se qué paso conmigo y los triángulos amorosos en los que salen 2 hombres super calientes y sexys.
- Este es uno de los pocos libros que no solamente quiero, si no que lo NECESITO! Por suerte sólo quedan 12 días!!!

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we´re eagerly anticipating.
The book that I am waiting is :

Title: Lover at Last (Black Dagger Brotherhood #11)
Author: J.R.Ward
Release date in U.S.A: March 26th 2013
Editorial: NAL Hardcover
Synopsis: Qhuinn, son of no one, is used to being on his own. Disavowed from his bloodline, shunned by the aristocracy, he has finally found an identity as one of the most brutal fighters in the war against the Lessening Society. But his life is not complete. Even as the prospect of having a family of his own seems to be within reach, he is empty on the inside, his heart given to another....

Blay, after years of unrequited love, has moved on from his feelings for Qhuinn. And it’s about time: The male has found his perfect match in a Chosen female, and they are going to have a young—just as Qhuinn has always wanted for himself. It’s hard to see the new couple together, but building your life around a pipe dream is just a heartbreak waiting to happen. As he’s learned firsthand.

Fate seems to have taken these vampire soldiers in different directions... but as the battle over the race’s throne intensifies, and new players on the scene in Caldwell create mortal danger for the Brotherhood, Qhuinn finally learns the true definition of courage, and two hearts who are meant to be together... finally become one.

- I've been waiting for this book 1 year, and I've been following this series of fantastic and sexy vampires since I was 14. The love story between Blay and Quinn *sights*, I do not know whats up with me and the love triangles between 2 hot sexy men.
- This is one of the few books that not only want,  I NEED it! Luckily there are only 12 more days of waiting!


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