Monday, June 3, 2013

Noah Hutchins

Noah Hutchins es el personaje masculino principal del libro Pushing The Limits de Katie McGarry.  Noah es el chico malo del instituto, lleva chaqueta de cuero, es un ligón y siempre está metido en problemas.

Pero Noah es mucho más de lo que quiere aparentar ser, es leal a sus amigos y haría cualquier cosa por su familia y guarda algunos secretos, hasta que conoce Echo y todo su mundo cambia.
Aquí os dejo algunas fotos del que para mí sería el mejor Noah Hutchins, Milo Ventimiglia.

"Este otoño habíamos leído sobre sirenas en Inglés , sobre la mierda de la mitología griega de mujeres  tan bellas, sus voces tan encantadoras, que los hombres hacían cualquier cosa por ellas. Resultó que la mierda de la mitología era real, porque cada vez que la veo, pierdo mi mente ".
- Katie McGarry, Puching The Limits.

Noah Hutchins is the book's main male character  from Pushing The Limits by Katie McGarry. Noah is the bad boy of the school, he wears  leather jacket, he  is a flirt and he is always in trouble.

But Noah is much more than what he seems to be, he  is loyal to his friends and he would do anything for his family and he  keep some secrets, until he meets Echo and his whole world changes.
Here you have some pictures of   Milo Ventimiglia, for me  he would be the best Noah Hutchins, .

“We’d read about sirens in English this fall; Greek mythology bullshit about women so beautiful, their voices so enchanting, that men did anything for them. Turned out that mythology crap was real because every time I saw her, I lost my mind.” 
― Katie McGarry, Pushing the Limits


  1. Milo Ventimiglia brings Gilmore Girls feels. Not cool. Even though I was more of a Logan fan...

    1. I am not a fan of Jesse (Milo) but I think he suits as Noah physically speaking.


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